I started this blog primarily as a way to get people, including myself, to think about different culture mentalities, opinions, habits and actions that we face or live out everyday and how culture is related to God. It is my belief that God is much greater, came before, and is much more enduring than anything we have that comes from our culture. And this will continue to hold true. God is the beginning and ultimate end, and so, cultural ways-of-doing-things take a "second place" importance to the way God would have us live and act. As someone who rarely is an absolutist in anything, I ALWAYS believe that God's way takes precedence and authority over culture's way.
With that said, then how do I know what is God's way? Who's to say I always live out God's way before culture's way? Actions always speak louder than words. I would respond to both those things by openly and honestly claiming that I don't know it all, I don't have it all together, I am hugely imperfect in many ways, and I get a lot of things wrong. It'd be pretty dumb if I considered my words and thoughts and myself as Mr. Corect-o-mundo All the time-o. With that said, I deal with those imperfections by:
1. I fully believe in my personal salvation in Jesus, who desires that I live with as much joy as possible in everything I do, and who is loving, forgiving, and correcting in those times I put culture's way in front of God's way.
2. I believe a very practical way to find the real truth of these God and culture matters (they don't always conflict) is for each individual to not believe what someone else has said or done, unless it comes straight from Jesus. Finding out the real truth happens when:
You, who read this blog, FIND OUT THE ANSWER to these questions and issues for your own life by PRAYING AND ASKING the Holy Spirit for wisdom and SEEKING OUT the answers in God's Holy Scriptures, the Bible.
I am convicted that the Bible has no errors and is fully complete and authoritative for the way authentic Christ followers should live out their lives, thus it is a primary source for answers to these questions.
I assume the majority of people who read this blog would be professed Christ followers. But also, be you a Jew, gentile, Christian, Muslim, rich or poor, agnostic, atheist, unchurched, hate what church claims to be, a Canadian, a Texan, a South African, frisbee player, technology executive, a canoeist, a warm fuzzy or a cold prickly, your comments are welcome, just please use appropriate language.
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